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„Increase the competitiveness of SME's from the South Baltic area by increasing the cyber security and trustiness competences“ (#StayCyberSafe)

Programme: Interreg South Baltic Program 2021 - 2027
Project Contract Number: STHB.01.02.00-32-S210/21
Objective: Increase of cyber security in the South Baltic area and build up a trustful digital cooperation environment.
Project implementation area: Poland, Denmark, Germany, Lithuania, Sweden
Duration: 2022.04.01 - 2022.07.30
EU Contribution: Project total budget: € 40 000 euro.

The overall aim of the future idea is to increase of cyber security in the South Baltic area and build up a trustful digital cooperation environment. The main project will develop a concept of certification in the field of cybersecurity quality and create a trustworthy and recognizable brand #StayCyberSafe on the international market.

The scope of the future main project includes:

  • a (self-) diagnosis of SME’s, NGO and public authorities in terms of needs related to the broadly understood cyber security,
  • development the online skills and tool to take charge of application security and online, security awareness training strengthening human firewall – to make business safer place for everyone, SME’s and customers,
  • preparation of a joint hybrid certification tool in the field of quality of cyber security - creating a trustworthy and recognizable brand reliable on the international market,
  • pilot SME’s, NGO and public authorities certifications, joint elaboration and marketing of cross-border promotion action and events.
